June 2019

Hello World!

We are so bad at keeping this blog. Or rather who reads blog anyway. Much of our life are posted on Facebook and Instagram anyway.

Before this blog turns all dusty and completely unable to sweep away the layers of cobwebs.. let me update it a little.

It has been a rollercoaster 6 months. Firstly, we decided to send the eldest to full time school and not knowing if we have the money to pay the school fees, then come the 2nd day of 2019 and boom! we have all the money we need. We paid half a year but had to use the rest of the money for our regular expenditure. By May, I was panicking for I do not know if we have the money for the next month. And then we got a note that our friend will give S$150 every month for the school fees. One evening while I was walking and feeling drained, suddenly I was told that someone gave another about and that totally covered the entire school fees! How awesome was that! I started the year telling God “If sending Judah to school is a good decision, you have to provide… If not, I’ll just homeschool and we will be fine too.” But God showed up, it has been good sending him to school, his social skills expanded with many little friends, he is more confident with speaking, especially he loves being able to do show and tell everyday. He enjoys the songs, his teachers, chapel time, and can’t wait to get to school each day. I, too, needed the break from having two rambunctious boys at home with me.

I also have been cooking a whole lot more! I hope to share the recipes that i’ve used.. that’s a post for another day.

I also started sewing! My sewing machine didn’t work for 2 years! It took me 2 years before I opened the box of the machine, set it up and waiting 1 year before I tried to sew anything. The moment I tried to make something for david, the machine didn’t work! So I left it for another year or so. Finally decided to send it to repair. The mechanic looked at it, did something and then it’s all fixed, didn’t charge me a single cent! So I tried to make a few bags and ideas kept flying around my head – refashion old clothings, making a quilt out of the baby onesies that the boys worn before, make more stuffs.

Lastly I am also doing workout from Blogilates. I’m not consistent with it but trying to. However, somehow that didn’t translate into losing weight… I feel like I’ve been eating more and gaining more weight! OMG! I do feel stronger though with all those planks and curl ups and pulses etc.

Let me know what I should do next! That helps me to keep my sanity.

Other than all these things I’m doing, a lot of times I’m struggling with my identity. What do I say when people ask me what do I do (career-wise). When I say we are missionaries, many people doesn’t understand. When I say I’m at home right now taking care of my family, they think I’m a tai-tai, which is completely the opposite because I do all the cleaning, cooking, scolding, yelling.

I’m still trying to come to that place of security of who am I and what I do for the kingdom. Until then…

4 simple categories for gifts

The other day there was a huge parcel at the door, when I saw it, I got excited! As I walked to the gate, I was wondering who would sent me something and what was inside. But as the mailman mentioned the addresee, my heart sunk. It was not for me or Tee or for the boys, it was my SIL’s. Bummer! Usually I’m not expecting to receive anything so I’m not sure why I had that level of expectation for a surprise.

So anyway, I just thought to put up a list of wish lists for fun’s sake. And perhaps I may get my wish come true. I’m following 4 simple categories: Something I need, Something I want, Something to read, Something to wear

Something I need

It’s pretty difficult to decide what I need and want. I want many things but not everything I want I need.

So something that is really consider Need would be …. time away from my kids, for sure! Few hours to get a haircut, spa, massage 🥰

Something I want

I feel so hard to justify what I want, it feels like something unimportant and almost like wasteful to even think about it. But let’s say what I would love to receive at White Elephant gift exchange that would not be considered a White elephant gift for me.

Some things like, vintage/plain photo frames, cake stand, decorative bowls and cutlery

Planners, Journals are also good gifts for me.

I used to be a big planners and journals kind of gal until technology got the better of me and I stopped writing all together. In 2019, I hope to start writing again. Maybe try out hand lettering too!

Something to read

Wild + Free content Subscription

I’ve been inspired by this online support group of mums, parenting and homeschooling. The many stories they bring has given me fresh perspective on living life and loving my kids. It would be so surprising if I ever receive their books in the mail.

Something to wear

This category is also a difficult one. 80% of my clothes have came from second hand and they are exactly what I need. The other 20% are T-shirts that I wear at home. I basically don’t need to buy any clothes ever but I always want to. However if I really do need to, I love T-shirts from Threadless and anything that talks about coffee and food.

How about a list for our family as a whole?

Something we need

First thought, we need more monthly support as a whole! We are sending Judah on full time preschool and fees are twice what we had been paying.

Judah made this Father’s Day card in school

Other things we need/want are a dresser, a bunk bed for the boys so they can be in their own room.

Something we want

We do want to be with our family in Singapore some time this year. Especially since our little nephew was just born 2 months ago. We are finding time and money to go back if possible.

FaceTime with baby nephew

Something for us to read

Family devotional book. Any recommendations for our family of 2 young children ?

Oh, I love love love this set of books – Farm Anatomy, Food Anatomy, Nature Anatomy.

Something for us to wear

Family Shirts! Umm, NO! 😂 For the kids, I’m always looking for deals on easy-to-wear and comfortable shoes.

David turns 2!

Can’t believe 2 years flew by so quickly! I still remember in November of 2016, Judah and I were baking, unsuspecting of the arrival of little David. David decided to make his grand entrance 1 month before his due date.

And now, he is one talkative, sociable little being, always imitating and adoring his older brother while constantly watching his own back lest he be bullied. He loves being around people, especially if there is food involved. He loves to sing and catches on tunes and words pretty quickly. He also loves being an older brother (to the little friends), watching out for others when they cry and patting their heads or hug them to comfort.

We pray he will always have their childlike faith and joy no matter how big he grows.

I have been making this as a family tradition – to make a homemade cake for all our birthday. Though we were travelling during his birthday. We went to Chiang Rai for the weekend while Tee participated in the bicycle race. I made the cake 2 days before we left, and made the frosting when we were back. David knew a cake was waiting for him, he was so eager to eat it even when I still had to make the frosting.

He had a Funfetti cake with vanilla buttercream frosting and lots of sprinkles poured by Judah! It was the same flavour as his first birthday cupcakes. They wouldn’t be able to tell the difference and it is such an awesome cake for a 2-year-old.

Sometimes, going also means staying behind

In January, we took a long drive to Bangkok! 10 hours! It’s David’s first long drive, because we missed last year’s national conference so he hasn’t experience a drive across Thailand yet.

We were wondering how he will do on the drive, because based on previous experience with Judah, he did not do very well. He would cry for 1 hour when he was tired and sleep 45 mins. We felt very shortchanged!

However, David did comparatively well! He slept when he was tired and when he was awake, he will look around or be satisfied with food. Judah, on the other hand, although he is 3.5yo now, still is a terror on road trip. This time, he was asking for books, or something to eat or toys or a hug every couple of minutes! When David got real cranky around the evening, he would cry and Judah followed suit, pretending to be whiny and cranky.

We did not take a long drive because we felt like it. Hah!

We were going for a wedding and then joining the DTS on their outreach to Ratchaburi. Tee was doing his pastoral visit as the school leader.

Initially I thought we (and the kids) were going to be involved with the team in their ministry works. Sometimes, we think that we are going to do amazing work with or for God in the field. But really, sometimes we just stay behind while others do the work. Hard to believe, but it’s just as important.

We had to stay back in the house because Tee was doing one-on-one debriefs with the team members. We had to stay behind because some ministry are not suitable for children (ie going to radio station, no we don’t want screaming kids on air.)

But that doesn’t mean our time is wasted. We get to spend them with the workers on the field in a more private way. We get to expose our children in a safe place to missions or ministry or just being comfortable with new people that they meet.

People told me that I am very brave to go along and bring small children to the trip. Actually, I always go without much thought and when I’m there, I wonder if I made the right decision. “Why did I compromise my children’s comfort or routine?” If I had know what I am getting into, I may not have gone. Hah! But I’m glad we got to go.

‘Train the child when they are young’

It sure feels scary to bring small children to outreaches. But I hope it created a memory for my kids.

Happy 2018 and our first guest of the year

Happy 2018

We have a friend from Singapore, staying with us for one night. Our first house guest for 2018! Yay! It’s been awhile since we have people staying over with us. Looking forward to host more people!

I got to know about Ginger Farm from the Ladies Christmas Dinner and want to bring the family. The golden hour there is really gorgeous, cascading over the paddy fields.

This time we went during noon, which wasn’t too hot since it’s ‘winter’ months. It was cloudy enough to give a good shade for outdoor seating.

This would surely be one of the places I would love to bring more visitors, especially those with kids and who live in the city. There are various activities for kids and parents to participate in, like rice planting, mudslides, etc.

what a lovely day !